Get updated with the latest events and announcements.

Health and Safety Announcement
At PHCCI, we are committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for our members, employees, and visitors. We aim to follow all the health

All-inclusive ATM and new ATM Card now available
As part of PHCCI’s efforts to provide better services and capabilities to its members, the coop announces the launch of its new All-inclusive ATM and the new PHCCI ATM

PHCCI runs on own COB-X accounting system
Dear Fellow Members/Owners, In our best efforts to provide you with better and more efficient transaction, we are pleased to inform you that we are

Invitation to Pre-qualify and Bid
The Perpetual Help Community Capital, Inc. is inviting prospective bidders to Pre-Qualify and to Bid for: BID ITEM NO.: ORW-B-2020-001 – Phase 1 Site Development

Discount promo for Fully Vaccinated Members
PHCCI is happy to announce the DISCOUNT PROMO FOR FULLY VACCINATED KAABAGS. This is PHCCI’s way in encouraging its members to get vaccinated in support

Get your new PHCCI PinoyCOOP ATM Cards NOW!
ATTENTION: ALL PHCCI HOLDERS OF OLD ATM PHCCI will now be migrating its old ATM cards to the new PHCCI PinoyCoop ATM cards. In line
PHCCI offers affordable loan interest rates.
Acquire this budget friendly loan interest. Not yet a member? Attend our Pre-membership Education Seminar (PMES) personally or online.